The smallest, irreducible unit of humanity is not one person. Nor is a human being composed of individual parts tacked together, which can be dismantled, serviced, and reassembled. Human beings, and therefore human health and wellness, are ecological; they are the product of dynamic balance between many interrelated aspects, including our relationships with others, and with the natural world around us.
Why do you want to be a client?
Because you want to be an active and skillful participant in your life...
Because you want to feel less stress and more happiness...
Because you want to feel like your choices are meaningful and lift you up!

Personally, I can express my Why's in three categories:
Working with others gives me new opportunities for insight into my own life, my patterns, and potential avenues for my own growth. Working with others serves as food for my personal path.
Working with clients gives me a daily practice to humble myself and listen, which in turn helps me show up to support others in their own journey without imposing my own beliefs or values on their lives. I believe that this avoids common pitfalls of this sort of deep service.
I think there is significant poetry in the "crab bucket." If you put piles of crabs in a large, open container, they won't escape, even if they are inches from the top... because all the other crabs are trying to climb over them to get out. I see this as a fit metaphor for life together as humans. If we are so concerned with our own self-interest such that we exchange compassion for exploitation, and try to climb over our fellow travelers, not only will we not get where we're trying to go, we will mire them as well. I believe that we are all in this together, and the only path to true progress is one we must take together, supporting each other.
Integrative Alchemy is a holistic method to help participants remedy imbalances and access escalating levels of health and wellness; we do not aim for simply being not-unwell, we are continually working towards robust, resilient, and radiant health. This process is necessarily a collaborative activity between the therapist and the client. It is not “healing” unless everyone is benefitting.
“Integrative Alchemy” represents a life-long practice of connecting with and engaging in living. Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. By cultivating an ever-growing awareness, a deep, authentic compassion for all things, and by offering ourselves in service to the Whole, we contribute to a world which is supportive, nurturing, challenging, and possesses deep integrity. This is the lifestyle of our therapists, and we endeavor to share any and all of that with our clients.